Helping the poor, hungry and Orphans
We are actively working in India, Liberia and Pakistan to help the poor, hungry, destitute and orphans.
Humanity we believe is above any religion, and we help any poor, hungry, destitute or orphan, irrespective of their faith.
Your donation will go directly to the above cause. To go back to see our other mission projects option click this link.
Offline Donation allows you to make a bank transfer as an alternative donating method.
What percentage of my donation will go directly to the people it needs to go to?
We are a registered charity with the Charity Commission. We do not pay any of the trustees any wages or rent on office space.
We are blessed with a good team of believers who do what needs to be done for the love of Christ free of charge or pay their way rather than burden the charity. It is safe to say more than 90% of the donations go directly to the people or the project.