1. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit…………………………….9
I . Categories of the gifts…………………………….12
2. The Discerning of Spirits……………………………14
I . What the Discerning of Spirits is……………………………………16
II. What the Discerning of Spirits is not…………………………….16
III. What the Discerning of Spirits does………………………………..1 7
3. The Spirit of Rebellion (Herodias)……………………..19
4. The Spirit of Servanthood and Compassion (Phoebe)…………….28
5. The Spirit of Backsliding (Lot)………………………………33
6. The Spirit of Faithfulness (Bezalel)…………………………..44
7. The Spirit of Disbelief and Religion (Esau)……………………..52
8. The Spirit of Perfect Obedience and Submission (Mary)…….61
9. The Spirit of Deception (Judas Iscariot)…………………………71
10. The Spirit of True Happiness and Joy (Noah)……………………….81
11. The Spirit of Worldly Desires (Lot’s wife)…………………………94
12. The Spirit of Absalom………………………103
13. The Spirit of Jezebel………………………….111
14. The Spirit of Python…………………………………………………………………117
15. The Spirit of Leviathan……………………122
1 John 4:1 “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…” Discernment can show us both our weaknesses and God’s strength.
As we are open and honest before God, discernment reveals the real “us”. Nothing is hidden. He sees and knows everything about us.
Sometimes, we rely on our own words rather Then God’s power.
The multitude of false teachers, fake pastors, false prophets, and fake sign and wonder-doers have surrounded us. It is essential to know the truth.
These days, everyone in the church wants the gift of performing miracles, healing and prophecy, but they do not want the gift of discerning spirits.
As good and evil have mixed very well. It is tough to know what is right and what is wrong. That’s why now we need more the gift of discernment than ever before.
Discernment must be combined with a pure heart and the word of God. The discernment helps us become familiar with God’s ways so we will not become vulnerable to deception and false teachings, which can be wolves in sheep’s clothing. (Matthew 7:15)
There is only one Devil or one Satan, but there are many evil spirits. They all have a particular type of personality and a specific way in which they like to operate.
The demons have two different names. They have their created name given to them by God when they were made. They also have a functional name, which will tell you what kind of spirit you are dealing with.
For example, some of the functional names of the demons are the spirit of lust, the spirit of anger, the spirit of murder, the spirit of competition, the spirit of rebellion, the spirit of manipulation, etc.
The spirits have different functions. In the New Testament, we see some can make people mute or blind (Mark 3:20-30), others can cause the possessed person to harm themselves (Mark 5:1-20).
There are many spirits in the world, good and evil. Some of them you deal with daily, and some of them you would be completely unaware of. The spirits in this world are not all good; some are evil. We all know that we need to be able to discern, by the power of the Holy Spirit, which is good and which is evil.
Often, people are used by the enemy in the way they live and behave, and it creates discomfort, chaos and turmoil in other people’s lives. They never realise they are a tool in the hands of the enemy.