Who is Jesus for Muslims?

Muslims view Jesus as a prophet and messenger of God, sent to guide the Children of Israel. He is known as ‘Isa in Arabic and is mentioned in the Qur’an more than 25 times.

Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin mother, performed miracles, and will return at the end of time to defeat the Antichrist.

Zeki Saritoprak is an Islamic scholar who has studied the role of Jesus in Islam extensively. His book Islam’s Jesus examines how Jesus is viewed in the Qur’an and Islamic theology.

He has written about many Islamic theologians, mystics, and scholars, including Rumi and Bediüz­zaman Said Nursî. Saritoprak has also been involved in interfaith dialogues between Catholics and Muslims sponsored by the U.S.

Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Islamic Society of North America. Through his work, he hopes to foster understanding between different faiths by exploring how they view Jesus differently yet still share common beliefs about him.

What Did Mohammed Think of Jesus?

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Word of God and the Creator of all things. However, according to the Qur’an, Mohammed did not believe this.

He believed that Jesus was only “a word” and not the divine being that Christians worship. This view of Jesus is in stark contrast to what is found in the Bible.

The Bible states that Jesus is God’s Son and that He created all things (John 1:3; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:13-16).

Mohammed’s view of Jesus was also different from what Christians believed about Him. For example, he denied Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection (Sura 4:157-158).

He also denied that Jesus was divine, claiming instead that He was just a prophet sent by Allah (Sura 5:75).

These views are contrary to what Christians believe about our Lord and Saviour, which is why it is important for us to understand what Mohammed thought of Jesus so we can better understand how Muslims view Him today.

What Did Mohammed Think of Jesus?

The Qur’an’s view of Jesus is quite different from the Bible’s. According to the Qur’an, Jesus was a prophet and messenger of Allah, but not divine.

Mohammed believed that Jesus was born of a virgin, performed miracles, and was taken up into heaven without dying on the cross.

However, he did not believe that Jesus was God or part of a Trinity. He also denied that Jesus died for our sins or rose from the dead.

In contrast to this view, the Bible tells us that Jesus is God in human form (John 1:1) and is both fully man and fully God (Colossians 2:9).

He created all things (John 1:3; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:13-16), died for our sins (Romans 5:8), and rose again on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:4).

The Bible also tells us that through faith in Him, we can be saved from sin and have eternal life with Him in Heaven (John 3:16). Mohammed’s view of Jesus does not line up with what the Bible teaches about Him.